Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alas! I have returned!

I know it's been awhile. Life has a way of getting in the way of blogging. It has some nerve. This past weekend we were consumed by our garage sale. 3 days of getting up at 6am to carry heavy stuff to the front of the house in the name of getting a quarter was a complete pain in the ass! However, those quarters add up and we made a decent amount of money...especially considering the crappy weather that we had. I will likely never consult the farmer's almanac again for long term weather forecasting. While some of our patrons had us reaching for something to protect ourselves...just in case, we were able to finally meet some of our neighbors from the neighborhood. They are really good people and I am excited to get to know them all a little better.

I took my second bass lesson today. I am proud to say that I can play mary had a little lamb. Ok it's not pretty or efficient, but it's a beginning. I pretty sure that will become the band's first solid single. You know, once I become a rock star and all.

A couple of weeks ago we took Drew up to Brent's uncles in Cincinnati to go scuba diving. Uncle Scott is an instructor so he got us all the gear and into the dive pool for a private session. We had a really great time! The boys, including Brent, took to it without effort. Me, on the other hand, didn't realize that being claustrophobic would affect scuba diving. I did ok. I just had to go at my own pace to realize I was ok. I'd love to go again and give it a second try.

What else?? I have been working on the marketing materials for Realize Gourmet. I got my new craft boxes this week for my packaging and finished up my flyers. I am now working on the sticker labels that will go on the boxes and the ingredient/directions sheet that will go inside. I feel like I am on the brink of this turning into a legitimate business. I hope.

My running sadly has taken back seat to life this last week. Our weather has sucked and the garage sale ate up every spare minute. Brent and I both ran yesterday though. It went pretty well. Today has been hailing and lightning so I am thinking that today will be a day off. Tomorrow is another day.


pitselah said...

I am glad you are back...from....not the internet! We should hang out inbetween bass lessons, running, entrepreneuring, Brenting,....dammit, I will never see you again, will I!? lol ...as you may have noticed, I am unemployed, now, so I have plenty of free time! Call me when you can hang! In the meantime, have a great week!

Ickycakes said...

April...I need to get your number. Send it to me in a FB message and I'll send you mine too. We will need to be hanging out very soon! I have missed you around EF, but just assumed we were on different schedules. What happened???? I miss you there!! Why are all the good people disappearing. They are replacing them with people who lack personalities.

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